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An aircraft is flying in the northern hemisphere at low altitude and going directly away from a centre of low pressure What direction relative to the aircraft does the wind come from ? Understand > browsing

exemple question 45

When the isobars are close together ?

exemple question 46
When isobars are close together The wind velocities are stronger.

A 310° wind is a wind that comes from ?

exemple question 47
A 310° wind a wind that comes from The wind velocities are stronger.

exemple question 48
A wind of 225° blows The wind velocities are stronger.

exemple question 49
The jet stream A high speed air current at altitudes between 6 5 km.

exemple question 50
The arrow shows The position of a jet stream.

exemple question 51
When isobars are close together on a surface weather chart it means The position of a jet stream.

The strong wind currents found at very high altitudes are called The position of a jet stream.

A wind 090/20 comes from East at a speed of 2 kt.

A wind 230/15 comes from Southwest at a speed of 5 kt.

A wind 180/10 comes from South at a speed of kt.

Which instrument used measuring wind speed on ground South at a speed of kt.

When pressure gradients are important over a short distance we can assume South at a speed of kt.

During a descent from 2 000 feet agl to surface you will usually find that wind South at a speed of kt.

The diurnal change of surface wind velocity such that during day surface wind will usually Veer increase in speed.

With passage of a cold front surface wind will usually Veer increase in speed.

When confronted with a thunderstorm take off or landing Should be avoided as a sudden wind shift or low level turbulence could cause a loss of control.

On a weather chart wind flows isobars above feet Should be avoided as a sudden wind shift or low level turbulence could cause a loss of control.

At night as a valley cools down air becomes denser and flows downward and referred to as Should be avoided as a sudden wind shift or low level turbulence could cause a loss of control.

Identify statement that accurate according to wind speed at altitude Winds are usually stronger at altitude.

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